
Trade media comments on "The Fat Lie"

Obesity caused mainly by inactivity, not by sugar by Laurence Gibbons

Public health campaigners have attributed Britain’s obesity epidemic to increased availability of junk food. however all the evidence indicates that per capita consumption of sugar, fat and calories has been falling in the UK for decades, IEA claimed in a report.

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Comment: Holistic approach to obesity issue needed by Katy Askew

The Institute of Economic Affairs, a UK think tank, raised an improtant issue yesterday (18 August) when it insisted a decline in physical activity is the “root cause” of the obesity epidemic. The IEA research aims to debunk the widespread belief that our widening girths can largely be attributed to calorie consumption.

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Education, Education not tax, Ineffective consumer behaviour, Ineffective on obesity, Physical activity not tax, What others say: experts, What others say: media, United Kingdom