
The effects of a 'fat tax' on the nutrient intake of French households

Allais, Olivier & Bertail, P. & Nichele, Veronique, 2008. “The Effects of a ‘Fat Tax’ on the Nutrient Intake of French Households”, European Association of Agricultural Economists, 2008 International Congress Ghent, 2008

Some key insights from the study:

  • “[…] a “fat tax” would have ambiguous and extremely small effects […]”
  • “[…] a fat tax policy is unsuitable for substantially affecting the nutrient intake of French households.”
  • “[…] food policymakers need to keep in mind that a fat tax policy may have perverse effects by exacerbating nutritional disparities among consumers”.

You can find the whole paper here.

Ineffective on obesity, Taxes unfair, What others say: experts, Allais, Bertail, Nichele, France