
Reviewing the proposed tax on soft drinks

On Monday May 27, 2013, Belgian RTL + TV channel focused on the proposed Belgian tax on soft drinks. Several questions were raised regarding this issue including:

  1. Would a tax actually discourage people to drinks soft drinks and thereby reduce obesity levels?
  2. What exactly would you tax? The sugar?
  3. Would diet sodas be included in the tax?
  4. What impact would a tax have on distributors and ocnsumers

Watch the programme discussing these issues with guest speakers David Marquenie, Secretary General of the Royal Federation of the Water and Soft Drinks Industry (FIEB), and Anne Boucquiau, President of the Belgian Society of Medical Nutritionists (SBM).

The article and video are available here as well.



Industry, What others say: experts, What others say: media, Consumer behaviour, Fat tax, Government revenue, Obesity, Pricing policy, Sugar, Taxation, Belgium